Macclesfield & Bollington
United Reformed Church (URC) is committed to safeguarding in every area of its
life and ministry. Safeguarding is the action taken to promote and protect the
well-being and human rights of individuals.
This means we will:
- Do all we can to create and maintain a safe and caring environment for all people.
- Respond promptly and effectively to any form of abuse and neglect, including reporting abuse to statutory agencies when necessary
- Seek to prevent abuse in any form from occurring. We will seek to
identify individuals who may pose a risk to others and take necessary
actions to minimise risk whilst supporting these individuals in our
communities when safe to do so.
If you wish to discuss a
safeguarding concern, please contact:
Lisa Teagle, Church Safeguarding Coordinator -
Julie Rafferty, Synod Safeguarding Officer -
All organisations, groups or hirers using Macclesfield & Bollington United Reformed Church Premises, must abide by our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.