Bible Discussion Group
Meets every Sunday following morning worship
(approx. 12p.m.) apart from when Church Meetings are being held – on the second
Sunday in January, March, May, July, September & November.
Friendship Circle
The Friendship Circle meets in the Bollington Room
on the second Wednesday in the month at 2 pm. This is a time for a chat,
quizzes, occasional speakers and refreshments.

Wednesday Group

Meets on the last Wednesday of the month at 2.30 pm
in the Bollington Room. It offers a short time of worship, including well known
hymns and a reflection. It is followed by a time for fellowship and friendship,
tea and cakes!
Sea Scouts
Beavers, Cubs, Sea-Scouts and Explorer Scouts meet
in our halls. For more details see our Uniformed Organisations page

Summer Activity Event
Our ‘Fun and Friendship’ activity takes place in
the month of August. All are welcome from both our church and the local