United Reformed Church Logo
Macclesfield & Bollington United Reformed Church, Park Green, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 7NA



Baptism is a sacrament of the church and is celebrated during a service of worship of the congregation. In the case of a baby or young child, it includes sprinkling the forehead with water ‘in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’ and is a commitment of faith on the part of one or both parents. It is a sign of entry into the church community.  Parents who bring their children for Infant Baptism express their own faith in God and promise to bring their child up within the life of the church.

Some parents are not sure about their own Christian faith or do not feel able to promise to bring up their child within the life of the church.  The service of Infant Blessing gives them the opportunity to come to church, to express their gratitude for their baby’s birth, and to be assured of God’s love for them and their child.

Believer’s baptism is when a person seeks baptism for themselves either as an adult or a child of an age when they can make the promises for themselves.

Adults who have already been baptised as a child can renew the baptismal promises made on their behalf when a baby. Baptism as an adult is usually associated with coming into membership of the local church.


People who want to marry in church wish to do so in the belief that God wants to bless their marriage. 

A marriage service is not only a legal event but also a public act of worship for which the couple will share the planning with the minister. It includes the exchange of vows and promises, prayers, readings, and some words from the minister as the couple start this new stage of their life.



If you would like the funeral of a loved one to be in our church, this has to be done in conjunction with a Funeral Director, who will also contact a representative of the church.

For more information, regarding any of these services, please contact contact the Church Office,, 01625 616138

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