We are a friendly, welcoming and outward looking
church. Worship is the centre of our communal life
and the glue that holds it together. We gather every Sunday morning to
worship God, listen to God’s Word and be nourished in our faith through monthly
Communion services.
Services are held each Sunday morning
at 10.45 a.m. in our town centre church at Park Green, Macclesfield
Our church building in
Macclesfield is child friendly, with a fully equipped creche room and ‘busy
bags’ available for young children who prefer to stay in church with their
Our building and facilities at Park Green are wheelchair accessible and we have an induction loop available in the church building.

We are active with our charitable giving and support local charities and the Silklife Foodbank. We also have a longstanding link with the charity ‘Breadline Moldova’ and support the URC’s Commitment for Life programme.